646一名意志坚定的青少年监狱社会工作者组建了一支由青少年罪犯组成的骑行队,带他们进行了1000英里的变革性骑行。灵感来自Greg Townsend和Ridgeview学院自行车队的生活。这是关于这些陷入困境的年轻人如何找到另一种装备的故事。零零零
260安德丽亚·瑞斯波罗格(《黑镜》《斯大林之死》)有望加盟两个新项目:尼古拉斯·佩谢执导的新翻拍版《咒怨》,和亚马逊&天空电视台打造的限定剧《零零零》(Zero, Zero, Zero)。啄木鸟
347Julián finds love and a reason for living in the last place imaginable: the Dominican Republic's Najayo Prison. His romance, with fellow prisoner Yane孙神探与黑寡妇的诅咒
745Set in the world of bugs where spiders are the cops, a detective boards a seaplane to San Francisco after finally capturing his arch nemesis, but a mu